100 Percent Pure Review

Rating: 4.9 / 5
21 Aug 2017

About 100 Percent Pure

A real story rooted in nature, 100% Pure was founded in a farmhouse back in 2005. Co-founder, Susie Wang wanted to offer an organic beauty line that focused on skin care, color cosmetics and bath and beauty products. Over the years she has continued to push the envelope developing all-natural products while keeping customer focus in mind.

The product line is 100% pure, free of any and all harmful toxins. They also practice cruelty-free testing, have no artificial colors, fragrances, or synthetic chemicals to ensure that your product is truly health food for your skin. Perfect for those who suffer from skin allergies, sensitive skin, or simply want to live a more health conscious lifestyle.

Click here to visit 100 Percent Pure Website


Features of 100 Percent Pure

● New Lineup – Right off the bat, the first menu option 100$ Pure showcases is their new lineup. That’s because co-founder Susie Wang has a passion for creating new and innovative products. The new lineup is broken down into two basic categories including new arrivals and seasonal products. As one can imagine, new arrivals are not limited to just lipstick and makeup but can include everything they offer in their inventory. So it’s recommended to check their new lineup often to see what great things they have to offer.

New Line Up

● Makeup – The staple of every beauty store, 100% Pure offers a huge selection of products including, face makeup, eye makeup, and lipstick. The menu offers a subcategory breakdown by product type, or you can just click on the main menu to see a full list of all makeup products.

Make Up
Click here to visit 100 Percent Pure Website


● Skin Care – A bit more robust in category type than the makeup page, this product offers six different subcategories. If you are looking for moisturizers, eye creams, face washes, face serums, acne control or even a face mask, then they have got you covered.

Skin Care

● Bath – Who doesn’t love a long warm bath? 100% Pure combines this beautiful retreat with wholly organic bath products to treat your body well while relaxing in the tub. They have a great bath and wash lineup, offer body moisturizers for after bath application, and even provide sunscreen to protect you throughout the day.


● Hair – 100% Pure hair products are what you would expect from a beauty company. They offer the usual shampoo, conditioner, repair products and scalp treatments for anyone looking to stay natural.


● Beauty Tools – One of the more useful products this company has to offer is beauty tools. Most beauty companies only offer the beauty products, but let’s face it, you have to have the right tool for the job. That’s why by providing essential tools with their organic products only makes sense, and I give them big kudos for making that connection.

Click here to visit 100 Percent Pure Website


● Gift Sets – Of course having a way to give an excellent gift only makes sense, and 100% Pure offers a variety of gift sets for just about everyone on your list. The even couple it with cute designs such as Buttercup Cow, Earl the Emu, and Pebbles the Goat to add interest and a unique experience.

Gift Sets

● Offers – Everyone looks for a sales page when shopping and 100% Pure does not disappoint. They call it an “offer” page, but let’s be real, it means sales! They work off of a monthly sales model offering new promotions each month. Products can range from any category on their site including face creams, lotions, body wash, and makeup tools.

● I love the fact that this company offers a showcase on their most recent featured ingredients. When you use a company that pushes the envelope for new and innovative products, having insight into what they are using is key to your health.100% Pure offers that insight by providing a link to their current monthly ingredients outlining how the components work and what products utilize the formula. This month, for example, is Kojic Acid, known for its natural skin lightening effects.

Click here to visit 100 Percent Pure Website


100 Percent Pure Prices

Overall, I’d say that for an organic health company, 100% Pure kills it when it comes to pricing. Unlike other “natural” websites that leverage the term to hike prices, 100% Pure stays true to their goal, provide top quality all natural products at an affordable price.

The low end, you can expect to pay $19 for a night cream. If you want to spend a little more money, then you can see prices as high as $59 depending on your budget. Of course, prices vary based on product line, but this gives you a decent example of their price range for any particular product. Of course, they also offer a ton of options to choose from and ranges vary based on size and quantity.

Smart companies reward loyal customers, and 100% Pure calls that reward system the “Purists Perks Program” Based on three tiers of discount, Glow, Glimmer, and Glam, a customer earns points through purchases. By earning more points, you step up to a level gaining more product access, additional sales, and even free promotions!

Purist Perks
Purist Perks

A great incentive for life long customers who want access to elite products, services, and personalized benefits. I’d love to see more companies offering this type of incentive in conjunction with standard discounts. Love the idea of faster customer support, quicker shipping and free stuff for regular customers!

Click here to visit 100PercentPure.com

Criticism Of 100 Percent Pure


Overall, 100% Pure has a substantial range of natural products to choose from. However, I’d like to see a bit more variety when it comes to their hair choices. Each category only has a handful of options to choose from and with only two main types; Shampoo and Conditioner, this product line appears to be lacking.

The second area of critique is the gift set category. While they do offer cute gift sets, they only have four options to choose from in this category. I’d love to see them expand this part of their inventory to give customers more of a robust product line when it comes to gift ideas. Also, broaden their types of products offered as a gift could be beneficial to the company, as they do have plenty of great products to choose from while shopping.

Customer Support

Now down to the fine print. How does 100% Pure measure up when it comes to customer support, product replacement and refunds? In short, excellent. They have a nifty help link in the upper right-hand corner of the page. No searching around this website to find the help you need.

They also offer live chat! Yes! I love it when a company offers real-time support, five stars for that feature alone. Their support page has general categories to help you determine your order status, process a return, check your perk points, and even manage your account settings.

Customer Support

As for contacting the company you have three options to choose from; live chat, email or snail mail. They provide an online form to complete if you were opt-in for the email route, making sure they get your message. The physical address is provided for both the US and UK headquarters. However, the best and fastest way to reach them is directly through their real-time chat window.

Overall, a very solid customer support platform giving you everything you need with ease and comfort. Live chat at your fingertips, self-help guides, even video tutorials to help you find the right product for the right skin type makes 100% Pure a cut above the rest when it comes to supporting.

Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Out of all the online organic beauty lines out there, 100% Pure certainly has my vote. I mean it all started on a farm! What could be more authentic than that? Overall, they have a great selection of products, offer a broad range of product types, and have their loyal customers in mind for the long haul.

If you are searching for an organic company that offers great prices, excellent products, and solid customer support, then we highly recommend checking out 100% Pure. Their selection combined with fair prices, all natural products, and perks program for die hard fans, this company certainly has a lot going for it.

Click here to visit 100PercentPure.com

Finding the right balance between health and beauty can be tricky, but 100PercentPure.com indeed has made the process easier. If you are looking for an all natural shopping experience, then we highly recommend this online beauty store for all your health care needs.

The website offers a modern and sleek look making it easy to navigate and find exactly what you are looking for when shopping for various health products. Not only do they offer a plethora of beauty products, but they even have a series of videos showcasing their top of the line inventory.

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